Our story

About BrilliantCamping.com

Founded in 2016, at BRILLIANTCAMPING.com we believe that the key to a healthier and happier life lies in the great outdoors. Our mission is to inspire and guide individuals, friends and families to step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and create lasting memories through outdoor adventures.

We started small, for 5 years, we were only organizing a couple of trips a year for our growing circle of outdoor enthusiasts. Fast forward to today, and Brilliant Camping is still in its baby shoes. In the midst of laughter and the crackling of a campfire, Nate and our founders decided to take the plunge and create a space where everyone could discover the thrill of outdoor living. Thus, BRILLIANTCAMPING.com took its first steps, wobbly like a toddler in baby shoes. Since then, our journey has been about helping others lace up their boots and hit the trails.

Our small but mighty team of outdoor enthusiasts and experts is on a mission—creating content that kickstarts your outdoor journey and gives seasoned adventurers a compass for their next expedition. Whether you’re a rookie camper or a seasoned trailblazer, we’ve got your back. Dive into our latest gear reviews, wisdom from tips and tricks, and lose yourself in in-depth trail guides. We’re not just about information, we’re about the experiences waiting for you beyond the screen.

But wait, there’s more! We’re expanding our horizons and bringing some good friends onboard from across the pond. Get ready for reviews on equipment that can handle the rugged beauty of European trails and insights into the must-visit spots across the continent. Because adventure knows no borders, and neither do we.

Brilliant Camping is more than a website; it’s a community of adventure seekers, nature lovers, and anyone who’s ever felt the pull of the great outdoors. Join us as we continue to grow, stumble, and explore, because the best stories are the ones written under the open sky.

Our team

Nate Perkins

Nate Perkins, our “Campsite Chef” is one of the founding members. With a culinary degree and years of professional kitchen experience, Nate shares detailed guides and creative recipes, inspiring fellow adventurers to elevate their outdoor cooking game. With a passion for outdoors sparked by family camping trips, Nate continues the tradition with his wife and son.

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Alex Parker

Alex Parker, the “Outdoor Nomad” got the outdoor bug later in life after college. He has also been with Brilliant camping since the beginning. Nowadays he is the main guy planning the trips for our circle of friends. He has learned and practiced all kinds of survival techniques Alex spends a ton of time with his daughter and son, they also review equipment meant for children.

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Emily watts

Emily Watts, youngest of the bunch. She’s the main photographer at Brilliant Camping. If she didn’t snap the picture, she definitely edited it. She has a knack for angles and an adventurous heart. Her infectious energy and candid joy make her a great travel companion. Emily’s photos celebrate the outdoor essence—feel the campfire warmth, hear leaves rustle, and savor the wild.

Siim Viisut

Siim Viisut, a co-founder hailing from Europe, Estonia, bringing a unique blend of passion for snowboarding and tech savviness to our team. Siim not only orchestrates thrilling snowboarding adventures but also takes charge of managing our website and handling technical intricacies. He will be sharing insider tips on discovering hidden nature gems over the bond

How We Make Money

Brilliant Camping is entirely reader-supported. We select and review products objectively and independently. We only make money when you click on our affiliate links and buy products we’ve reviewed, which helps support our testing work.

If you click on a retailer’s link on our site and make any purchase, the retailer will contribute a portion of the sale to help support this site. It won’t cost you anything extra, and it’s a simple way to help us fund our gear reviews. Thanks for your support of our work!

We do not accept money for editorial gear reviews. Whether we bought the product ourselves, lent it or got it as a freebie, it doesn’t change a thing. We’re here to give you the real deal, no sugarcoating. Your trust is a big deal to us and we’re not here to play favorites. We’ve heard from you, our readers, that our straight-up criticisms are just as valuable as the thumbs-up stuff when you’re deciding what to buy.

Our Process

Our process for testing products or suggesting any piece of gear reflects our personal experiences. We choose and either buy, rent or borrow a piece of equipment we wish to test. For different equipment, we have got different tests we run it through. For example with stoves, we test the boil time, fuel usage in perfect and windy conditions and much more. This will allow us to rank different equipment fairly without bias.

We are always field testing new equipment and we do it together as a team as often as we can, but lot of testing is done separately on our personal trips, with families, friends or solo. But we still have our specific tests to check off.

After thoroughly testing the equipment, we can confidently write our own review and include it in our suggestions if it makes the cut. If necessary, then we’ll also create content about how to setup and use the equipment and different tips & tricks to have the best time out in the wild. Since most of our team members have children, we also write about stuff to do with kids and how they can be included in your outdoor adventures.

Transparency and authenticity are at the core of our product selection process. We kick off by selecting gear through a mix of purchasing, renting, or borrowing, ensuring that we get our hands on the latest backpacking stoves to put them through the test. Our comprehensive testing methodology involves a series of trials tailored to each equipment category. Take stoves, for instance – we meticulously evaluate factors like boil time, fuel efficiency in both ideal and windy conditions, and more.

Our collaborative approach to field testing involves regular team excursions, but we also venture out independently on personal trips with family, friends, or solo. Even in our solo endeavors, we adhere to a standardized set of tests to maintain consistency across evaluations.

Once we’ve rigorously tested the equipment, we present our unbiased findings in detailed reviews. If a product meets our standards, it earns a spot in our recommendations. For added value, we go beyond reviews, creating content that guides users on equipment setup, usage, and a repertoire of tips and tricks to enhance their outdoor experience. Our team, many of whom are parents, also delve into aspects related to outdoor adventures with children, offering insights on how to seamlessly include the little ones in your wilderness explorations. At the heart of it all, our process is about sharing authentic experiences and practical knowledge to enhance your backpacking journeys.

Our Content

Let’s dive into what we’ve got in store for you, starting with the gear – the heart and soul of outdoor exploration. We’ve crafted three types of gear articles to be your outdoor compass: round-ups, in-depth reviews, and info-packed content.

Gear Round-Ups: The Best Of The Best

Ever wondered what the best hiking boots or ski jackets are? Our round-ups will give you the best of the best! We dig deep, testing a bunch of products, old and new, to bring you closer to what you’re looking for. No bias towards the shiny and new – we’re all about what works best. Our picks cover different price ranges because, hey, we get it – not everyone’s rolling in cash. Value matters, and we’ve got your back.

In-Depth Reviews: A Deep Dive

Need to know more about a specific gear item? Our in-depth reviews are for you. We take a closer look on individual products, giving you the knowledge on what works and what doesn’t. When the round-up summaries leave with question marks, our in-depth reviews step in to fill the gaps and give you detailed information.

Gear Tips: How To Use And Maintain

We are keen to keep our equipment in top-notch state so it would stand the test of time and provide the best bang for the buck. Lot’s of our content is about how to maintain your gear, how to use it efficiently. This will enable you to try out our suggestions and use your budget efficiently.

Informational Content: More Than Just Gear

But wait, there’s more! Our site isn’t just about gear – it’s a treasure trove of tips and tricks. Learn how to craft shelter without a tent, discover new recipes for your outdoor feast, soak in travel narratives, and dive into adventure-packed content that’ll fuel your outdoor soul.

Why Trust Us? Because We Live It!

We’re not just sitting in an office pretending to know gear. We’re out there, testing, trekking, and exploring. Our content isn’t just about products, it’s about sharing the love for the great outdoors. So, whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a newbie with a backpack, welcome to a space where outdoor excitement meets practical advice. Gear up and get ready for your next adventure!

We don’t use freelance writers and all content is written by our team members based on personal experience. If we include gear, we haven’t tested ourselves, in our content, we will let you know.

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